Sourcing Guide 2022
We are proud of the products we use and the people we work with. It is the work of many that make the Willows the great place it is today, we celebrate the amazing work of our collaborators. Not all of the great products we work with originate on Lummi Island or locally, but many do. We have searched far and wide over the course of years and have developed relationships with those whose work resonates with us.
We wish to be fully forthright with our product sourcing, any lack of transparency to the origin of our products would only discredit the outstanding ingredients we work with and the artisans who create them.
Below is a complete list of all of the vendors we work with, we support them wholeheartedly.
Produce Sources
Loganita Farm
Cloud Mountain Farms
Puget Sound Food Hub
Twin Cedars Farm
Rabbit Fields Farm
Marisposa Farm
Hedlin Farms
Community Food Co-Op
Organically Grown Co.
Charlie’s Produce
Blanchard Mountain Farm
Bluebird Grain Farms
Bow Hill Blueberries
Cascadia Mushrooms
Five B’s Bakery
Foraged and Found
Frog Eyes Wasabi
Full Bloom Farm
Three Pheasants Farm
Ulrich Berry Nursery
Fish And Meat Sources
Various Individual Fishermen
Taylor Shellfish Farms
Finkbonner Shellfish
Barlean’s Fishery
Lummi Seafood
Mikuni Wild Harvest
Foods in Season
Northwest Wild Foods
Island Grown Farmers Co-Op
Claus Meats
Salumi Deli
Lummi Island Wild
Hedlin Farms
Hama Hama
Icy Strait Seafoods
Dry Goods Sources
Alaska Pure
Cairnsprings Mills
Fairhaven Mill
Camas Country Mill
Fairhaven Mill
Le Sanctuaire
Food Co-Op
BeeWorks Farms
Puget Sound Food Hub
Holmquist Nuts
JB Prince
Dairy Sources
Cascadia Creamery
Fresh Breeze Dairy
Samish Bay Cheese
Bellwether Farms
Cherry Valley Dairy
Alternative Dairy
Chimacum Valley Dairy
Golden Glen Creamery
Sagging Fence Farm
Other Sources
Tom Lutz Design
Wildfire Cutlery
Akiko’s Pottery
Handmade La Conner
Brights Laundry
Parachute Linens
Service Linen
US Foods
JB Prince
Cash and Carry
Alexander the Grape
Garden Spot Nursery
Kent’s Garden & Nursery
Various Producers
Various Producers