Jan 19, 2015 | Blogs, Press
My friend told me how wonderful their dinner was at the Willows Inn, I was 100% sure that one day I would make it there. Then, their chef, Blaine Wetzel, won the James Beard award for Rising Star Chef in 2014; I knew I was 150% sure I was going to the Willows Inn very...
Jan 16, 2015 | Blogs, Press
Rachel + Daniel: Married at the Willows Inn, Lummi Island – In Photos.
Jan 15, 2015 | Blogs, Press
Standing on the dock waiting for the ferry to Lummi Island, we can’t see a thing. The fog is so thick and heavy we can barely make out the edge of the dock itself. But distant voices and an engine murmur can be heard, so we know the ferry is coming.